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Sunday, August 26, 2012

Online pdf viewer for s40
Online pdf viewer for s40
 Hi friends all know that nokia s40 handset does not support to pdf file here is link to view pdf file via file or link 
PDF viewer

Monday, August 20, 2012

Things You should know about s40 phones

Here are some basic facts about your s40 phone:

1. Series 40 devices can only run java (j2me) applications. Unlike s60, it disables/pauses all kinds of running applications (except some games + some file managers) while you are making/receiving a call.

2.It cannot run multiple applications at once. Unless you hack the Control Panel and the apps you can minimize it. But on a normal s40 phone, multitasking is not possible.

Changing music player,equilizer and radio skins in S40V6

Please note that it is ONLY for s40v6 and NOT for s40v3, s40v5.
For changing skins in s40v6 we cannot follow the old method used for s40v5 using oxycube or mobimb, this is because in s40v6 skins are integrated in themes.

So it is clear that we need to edit the themes to change the skins.

1. Select a theme of your choice.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Certificates for s40 phones

Below are two Download link for all necessary Authority Certificates & User Certificates for nokia s40 user.

Authority Certificates

User Certificates

Installation Method:
1) Connect your phone pc using data cable. use oxycube software.

Download OxyCube

Recover your forgotten security code in s40

Tools Required :

* Nemesis Service suite (NSS)
* Nokia PC Suite
* Data cable


Steps :

1. Connect your phone in PC Suite mode (DON'T RUN PC  SUITE or EXIT PC SUITE IF IT IS STILL RUNNING)

2. Open Nemesis Service suite (NSS)

3. Then click on scan for new devices button (top right-hand side)

In case u get a DEAD phone...........Then!!!!!!!

In case u get a DEAD phone. then follow steps below,

Step 1, Select only "Manual Flash" & "Dead USB"

Step 2, Attach PPM, CNT (image file), MCU(remame it .c0r),

Complete Guide for modifying firmware of S40!!!!!!!

Hey guys this guide is for all the newbies who don't know how to create a modified ppm and flash it to the phone

First of all download your phone's firmware(I recommend using NAVIFIRM)
suppose you have navifirm,using Navifirm download your phone's firmware(only download .ppm, mcusw & .cnt files)

1.what is .ppm file?
Ans: it is a file from the firmware which contains all icons,tones,fonts,languages availabe

2.what is .cnt?
Ans: it contains all the contents themes,games,apps,wallpapers provided in a new phone...

now some intro to m0dding

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Tutorial to Flash/Upgrade your phone software using JAF

Flash/Upgrade your phone software using JAF

First, you need the firmware files to flash your phone. get them from here

use navifirm > Your RM number > SW version > any    language/color you want.
Like this :

Download navifirm
  • from here: Navifirm
    You can also visit this site: Online Navifirm
    Online Navifirm is a website. It is better than Navifirm because navifirm use it own download manager to download any firmware. But if you use online navifirm site you can use any download manager to download any firmware.
    English is integrated in any of them, but it's better if you D/L by the code underneath the battery
    (like 05*****)

    e.g. 0564153: RM-411 APAC-MR BD, Latin, BLUE

    (for the 5220 I had)